Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (Nissan) and Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (Honda) announced today that the two companies have signed a memorandum of understanding under which they will begin a feasibility study of a strategic partnership in the fields of vehicle electrification and intelligence.
To further accelerate efforts toward carbon neutrality and zero traffic-accident fatalities, it will be essential to strengthen environmental and electrification technologies as well as software development. The two companies have reached the understanding based on the belief that it is necessary to combine their strengths and explore the possibility of future collaboration.
The scope of the feasibility study includes automotive software platforms, core components related to EVs, and complementary products.
Makoto Uchida, president and CEO, said: “It is important to prepare for the increasing pace of transformation in mobility in the mid-to-long-term, and it is significant that we have reached this agreement based on a mutual understanding that Honda and Nissan face common challenges. We look forward to further discussions and aim to find win-wins for sustainable growth.”
Toshihiro Mibe, Honda director, president and representative executive officer, said: “In this period of once-in-a-century transformation in the automotive industry, we will examine the potential for partnership between Nissan and Honda. Our study criteria will be whether the synergy of the technologies and knowledge that our companies have cultivated will enable us to become industry leaders by creating new value for the automotive industry.”
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